Hydraulic power is often taken for granted, but it plays a crucial role in the modern world. It is a technology that uses pressurized liquid to create power and enables heavyweight machinery and tools to operate with ease. This article will take a closer dive into the fascinating world of hydraulics.

What is Hydraulic?

Originating from the Greek words for water (hydor) and pipe (aulos), hydraulics is the study or use of the force created by the flow or movement of water or other liquid. Modern usage of this term has expanded to cover the general mechanics and principles of liquids in motion, and especially the technologies developed around the use of this inherent power. At its core, a hydraulic system multiplies force by using fluids, which are incompressible and allows work to be done more efficiently.

Principle of Operation

The basic principle behind hydraulic systems is Pascal’s law. Blaise Pascal, a French mathematician and physicist, discovered that pressure in a closed fluid system is the same in all directions and is applied with equal force on all areas. In practice, when a force is applied to one part of the hydraulic system, it transfers equally to all sections. Liquids, unlike gases, are nearly impossible to compress, ensuring that force is transferred directly and with little loss of power.

Components of a Hydraulic system

Five major components characterize most hydraulic systems. Firstly, the hydraulic reservoir holds the fluid before it’s pumped into the system. Secondly, a pump will provide the force to move the liquid. Thirdly, an actuator or motor converts the energy into the movement. Fourthly, valves regulate the fluid flow, and the last piece of the puzzle is, of course, the hydraulic fluid itself.

Applications of Hydraulic systems

Hydraulic systems are everywhere due to their ability to transmit high power in a compact size. They’re in industries like construction, mining, and aviation. For instance, heavy construction vehicles such as excavators and loaders derive their immense strength and precise control from hydraulics. In aviation, hydraulics is used in flight controls and is part of a plane’s landing gear. Hydraulic brakes in vehicles use the pressure of a fluid to stop the car’s wheels.

Introduction to LW hydraulics

An excellent example of a leading provider in hydraulic solutions is LW hydraulics. They specialize in a broad range of hydraulic technology, including hydraulic power units, cylinders, motors, and control valves. They stand out due to their high-quality components, innovative solutions, and excellent customer service. With their products, efficient and reliable hydraulic systems have become more accessible to businesses in different industries.


Hydraulic power is indeed a fascinating technology that enhances the efficiency and power in various industries. As we continue to innovate on top of existing frameworks like that of LW hydraulics, only our imagination will limit the adaptations of this potent technology.